Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Candy Cane Popcorn

Candy Cane Popcorn
7 Candy Canes
8 Oz Almond Bark or White Chocolate
2 Bags Popped Popcorn
3 oz Chocolate Chips

Unwrap the candy canes and BEAT THEM TO A PULP!  Well, not exactly.  Break them up and put them into a plastic zip lock bag.  Using a meat mallet or a hammer, crush them up.

Melt the bark or the white chocolate in a double boiler or slowly in the microwave. In a separate bowl, melt the chocolate chips.

Shake the unpopped kernels in your popcorn bags to the bottom. Put the popcorn into a large bowl being careful not to get the kernels into the bowl.  Add the bark and the candy canes and mix well.  You probably should just use your hands.  Don't worry, it won't scratch the manicure.

Pour it out onto some wax paper and drizzle with chocolate.

Let it dry and then bag it up as a gift or serve it to your guests.  This is best if eaten within 4 days but can last up to a week.

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